mes New Roman dle, lastObj --every Ithe cursor moved, need reset --proper Pen Windows curObject objectFromPoint( NULL) F--OR ( " AND FALSE lastCur SetCursor( mouseEnter setbeam mouseLeave setbeam field SetCursor lastCur curObject BeamHandle lastObj mouseEnter field curObject mouseLeave System Times New Roman Times New Roman Arial Times New Roman Arial system fic code 4BeamHandle linkDLL "user" WORD LoadCursor( ,DWORD) SetCursor( --load the " n cursor," which tells Pen Windows treat --like a w0,32513) --translate message mouse/ m movement translatewindowmessage sysClientHandle setbeam , lastObj --every moved, need reset --proper curObject objectFromPoint( NULL) F--OR ( " AND FALSE lastCur enterbook mouseEnter setbeam mouseLeave enterbook LoadCursor SetCursor LoadCursor setbeam BeamHandle setbeam field SetCursor lastCur curObject BeamHandle lastObj mouseEnter field curObject mouseLeave PenCommand PEN COMMAND AREA by Paolo Tosolini, Italy Draw the following circled letters inside the Pen Command Area to show : You can play a video file, show an image or a hidden text, just using gestures. Pen Windows is required. Make sure that in the Pen Palette's Gesture Manager, the following circled letters are assigned in this way: square. = Ctrl + 3 file just using gestures. Make sure that in the Gesture Manager of Pen Palette the following circled letters are assigned in this way: try the or the gestures, writing them inside the white square. Then, try to write the above gestures in this white field, sensitive to the pen. Palette the following circled letters are assigned in this way: try the or the gestures, writing them inside the white square. = Ctrl + 1 file just using gestures. Make sure that in the Gesture Manager of Pen Palette the following circled letters are assigned in this way: try the or the gestures, writing them inside the white square. = Ctrl + 2 file just using gestures. Make sure that in the Gesture Manager of Pen Palette the following circled letters are assigned in this way: try the or the gestures, writing them inside the white square. txtScrolling I'd like to hear from you any suggestion about using Toolbook and Pen Windows. Write the circled C to get my address. ed letters are assigned in this way: try the or the gestures, writing them inside the white square. PenImage :PHYSSIZE Bkey, isShift, isCtrl -- Script that intercept the translated gesture HPen Windows c"tbkmm.sbk") "Sorry, but Multimedia Toolbook xinstalled 4, " & \ "so I can xplay AVI file." filmName "PENVIDEO. *" -- video "PenCommand" "Playing $: " & CRLF & FilmName tbkMCI("close ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && 6 && "alias aniFile style popup", "",1,1) -- Place ewhere we want -- This function included 1993 release VideoWidgets -- tbkMCIPositionWindow(" ", "3880,3050" ,"") ","",1) wait","",1) ","") key = ImageName "PENIMAGE" "Showing : " & Lhidden :" & "TXTSCROLLING" Message Paolo Tosolini - via Bembo, 5 - 34015 Muggia (TS) Italy && "tel. +39-40-275030 fax. +39-40-311850 email: tosolini@psicosun.univ.trieste. 120 "txtScrolling" FirstLetter Zi = 0 keyUpp showFilm :" & ","") " && && " ", "4000,3050" ,"") ","",1) ","") keyUpp keyup showFilm keyup tbkmm.sbk Sorry, but Multimedia Toolbook is not installed in this system, so I can not play any AVI file. PENVIDEO.AVI PenCommand Playing video: FilmName close all tbkMCI FilmName alias aniFile style popup tbkMCIchk aniFile 3880,3050 tbkMCIPositionWindow window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk play aniFile wait tbkMCIchk close aniFile tbkMCI PENIMAGE PenCommand Showing paintobject: PenCommand Showing hidden field: TXTSCROLLING >> Paolo Tosolini - via Bembo, 5 - 34015 Muggia (TS) Italy - tel. +39-40-275030 fax. +39-40-311850 email: txtScrolling txtScrolling txtScrolling txtScrolling txtScrolling FirstLetter Message ImageName filmName isCtrl isShift keyUpp showFilm PenCommand Playing video : close all tbkMCI alias aniFile style popup tbkMCIchk aniFile 4000,3050 tbkMCIPositionWindow window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk play aniFile wait tbkMCIchk close aniFile tbkMCI FilmName -- PENBOOK.TBK HPaolo Tosolini, Italy -- email: tosolini@psicosun.univ.trieste. -- Special thanks Galaxi Scientific Corporation, USA which -- PENDEMO. I got the idea create pen-specific code 4BeamHandle linkDLL "user" WORD LoadCursor( ,DWORD) SetCursor( --load l cursor," tells Pen Windows treat --like a r0,32513) --translate message mouse/ j movement translatewindowmessage sysClientHandle setbeam , lastObj --every moved, need reset --proper curObject objectFromPoint( NULL) F--OR ( " AND FALSE lastCur -- Set onlyu Command terbook mouseEnter mouseLeave setbeam author enterbook reader enterbook sizetopage LoadCursor SetCursor LoadCursor setbeam BeamHandle setbeam field SetCursor lastCur curObject BeamHandle lastObj mouseEnter field curObject mouseLeave author sizetopage reader sizetopage